ParisLocal – Paris, France: 17, 18 & 19 November 2023

ParisLocal – Paris, France: 17, 18 & 19 November 2023

What is ParisLocal?

ParisLocal is a festival celebrating locally made, environment-friendly Parisian craftsmanship and the know-how of its artisans.

It was established at the end of 2021 by the Sustainable Tourism Conference and the initiative of Paris je t’aime – Office de Tourisme and the City of Paris, to honour the artisans who embody the identity and authenticity of the French capital.

On November 17, 18, and 19, ParisLocal returns and aims to bring together Parisians and tourists, allowing them to connect with the talented artisans from Greater Paris who represent responsible craftsmanship and promote local tourism.

With a focus on authenticity and sustainability in creation and consumption practices, the festival brings together 600 talented artists, craftspeople, and artisans.

This diverse group encompasses professionals from various fields such as ceramics, cabinetmaking, jewellery design, culinary arts (including pastry chefs and cheese makers), glass blowing, fashion design (including wig makers), and many others committed to promoting sustainable practices.

ParisLocal offers a unique opportunity for the public to explore the hidden gems of Paris, as it grants access to workshops, ateliers, boutiques, and factories where one can discover and taste the richness and abundance of Parisian expertise.

You may find your favourite artisan by type of activity and city/arrondissement on the official website.

When is ParisLocal?

ParisLocal will be held on 17, 18 & 19 November 2023.

Where will ParisLocal take place?

ParisLocal will take place all around Paris.

Who may attend?

The festival is open to everyone.

Where can I buy tickets for ParisLocal?

Attendance is free. There is no ticket requirement to attend the festival.

At a Glance

Event: ParisLocal

Date: 17, 18 & 19 November 2023

Venue:  Various premises of participating merchants

Address: Throughout Paris

Website: ParisLocal (