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Join Shakira Akabusi, founder of StrongLikeMum for a series of pre & postnatal exercise workshops.

Join Shakira Akabusi, founder of StrongLikeMum for a series of pre & postnatal exercise workshops, specifically for pregnant women and new mothers looking to build strength, rehabilitate their core and improve their overall fitness level. Each session will focus on connecting with the deep core muscle, getting the whole body active and building strength and endurance for all women. During this session you can expect: Advice on connecting to your deep core during and after pregnancy, progressing core exercise into whole body movements and building strength and endurance with a safe and effective whole body workout. Each workshop will begin with a gentle warm up, followed by deep core activation exercises. We will then have a short debrief by Shakira Akabusi, offering expert insights behind the workout and how these movements support women to enjoying an active and healthy lifestyle as mothers. Following the whole body workout will be some healthy snacks and a Q&A with Shakira and a expert in women’s health, each event covering a different topic from mental health to physical fitness and nutrition. We welcome babes-in-arms at these events and children up to the age of 18 months, however they will remain the responsibility of the parents throughout the event.


When? 10am – 12pm
Where? The Feelgood Factory, FRAME Kings Cross
How much? £30
This session we will be joined by a sports scientist, Orna Murray who will share ways in which we can track our menstrual cycle to help improve our health, energy and achieve more sporting goals.

May 24 2024


Date: 24 May
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Event Categories:
Website: Visit Event Website


FRAME Kings Cross

Unit 1 York Way
London,EnglandN1C 4ASUnited Kingdom

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Website: Visit Organizer Website