Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturise? And How can I Combat This Problem?

Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturise? And How can I Combat This Problem?


Do you ever feel like your skin is still dry even after applying moisturiser? You are not alone! Many people struggle with dry skin on their face and body despite their best efforts to keep it hydrated, and it can be frustrating to deal with.

We’ll explore the reasons behind this persistent dryness and provide you with effective solutions to tackle this problem.

Let’s dive in! 

The Culprits Behind Dry Skin

Before we delve into the solution, and to better understand why your skin may still feel dry despite regular moisturising, we need to take a closer look at some of the possible factors that contribute to dryness.

1. Environmental Factors

One of the most common reasons is exposure to harsh environmental conditions like cold winds or dry air. These factors can strip your skin of its natural moisture, leaving it feeling dry and dehydrated.

Spending extended periods of time in air-conditioned or heated environments can also cause your skin to feel dry. To combat this, you may want to consider using a humidifier to add moisture to the air and help protect your skin.

2. Incorrect Moisturiser

It is important to use the right moisturiser to avoid worsening dryness. Look for products that are specifically formulated for dry skin and have ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or natural oils such as coconut, olive or marula oil.

These ingredients help to lock in moisture and provide long-lasting hydration.

3. Over-washing or Hot Showers

Cleanliness is important, however excessive washing or taking hot showers can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness.

Although a steamy shower can feel relaxing, it can be harmful to your skin’s hydration. Hot water takes away the natural oils from your skin, causing it to become dry and irritated.

It’s advisable to opt for lukewarm showers instead and limit your shower time to no more than 10 or 15 minutes.

4. Harsh Skincare Products

Using skincare products that contain harsh chemicals, fragrances, or alcohol can worsen dryness. To prevent this, look for gentle moisturising products that are free from these irritants.

5. Lack of Exfoliation

Dead skin cells can accumulate on the surface of your skin which can prevent your moisturiser from penetrating effectively. To avoid this, it’s recommended that you incorporate gentle exfoliation into your skincare routine once or twice a week. By doing this, you can easily remove these dead cells and allow your moisturiser to work its magic.

When looking for exfoliating products, make sure to choose the ones that contain alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) as active ingredients.

Alternatively, exfoliating gloves and loofahs for the body and gentle exfoliating sponges for the face, used with your regular cleansing products are also effective at removing dead skin cells.

6. Over-Exfoliation

Exfoliating your skin is essential for removing dead cells and revealing a fresh, glowing complexion. However, over-exfoliating can strip away your skin’s natural oils, leading to dryness.

Consider limiting your exfoliation routine to once or twice a week and choose gentle exfoliants that won’t irritate your skin.

7. Underlying Health Conditions

Dry skin can sometimes indicate an underlying health condition. If you suspect this may be the case, please consult with your family doctor or a dermatologist who can provide you with a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Now that we have identified some common causes of dry skin, let us take a look at some effective ways to combat this issue.

Effective Solutions to Combat Dry Skin

1. Hydrate from Within

Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day is crucial for maintaining hydrated skin. It’s recommended to aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily to keep your skin plump and moisturized.

Large portable cups or flasks can help remind you to drink regularly and keep a record of your water intake. By making it a habit to drink enough water every day, you can help keep your skin healthy and hydrated.

2. Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise

Choosing the right moisturiser is essential for combatting dry skin. Look for products that contain hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which help lock in moisture.

Remember to reapply moisturiser throughout the day as needed and after every shower or bath.

3. Apply Moisturiser on Damp Skin

For optimal hydration, it is best to apply moisturiser right after showering or washing your face while your skin is still slightly damp.

This will help to seal in the moisture and prevent it from evaporating.

4. Layer Your Skincare Products

Try layering your skincare products. First, apply a lightweight hydrating serum, then follow up with a moisturizer. Finally, use a facial oil or occlusive moisturiser to seal in the moisture.

An occlusive creates a protective layer on the skin’s surface, effectively locking in moisture and helping to maintain skin hydration.

Examples of good occlusive moisturisers are CeraVe, Aquaphor and good old Vaseline!

Using this layering technique can provide long-lasting hydration and create a protective barrier on your skin.

5. Use a Hydrating Face Mask

Indulge in a weekly hydrating face mask to give your skin an extra boost of moisture.

Look for masks containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, or honey, known for their hydrating properties.

6. Protect Your Skin

It’s essential to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays at all times. Even during colder months, UV rays can still cause damage and dryness to your skin.

Remember to apply a good broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least at least SPF 30 before heading outdoors, even on cloudy days.

You can shield your skin from harsh weather conditions by wearing protective clothing, such as scarves, hats, and gloves.

7. Don’t Forget Your Lips

Dry lips can be painful and uncomfortable. Keep them moisturized with a hydrating lip balm or ointment to prevent chapping and cracking.

Vaseline is a good choice or how about a fun Lip Oil with a hint of colour?

8. Avoid Irritants

Be mindful of the products you use on your skin. It’s best to choose fragrance-free and gentle cleansers and avoid products that contain alcohol or harsh chemicals.

Additionally, the fabric of your clothing can also irritate your skin. If you have sensitive skin and find wool or knitted fabrics irritating, you can wear a cotton t-shirt or shirt underneath your knitwear.

It’s also advisable to use a gentle, non-bio laundry detergent for your clothes and bedding, as these can also contribute to skin irritation.

9. Use a Humidifier

Living in a dry climate or spending extended periods of time in air-conditioned or heated environments can lead to skin dryness. To prevent this, using a Humidifier is an effective solution that adds moisture to the air.

Alternatively, placing a small bowl of water next to a radiator may also help to increase the air’s humidity, especially in your bedroom while you sleep. This provides a cost-effective solution to add moisture to the air and keep your skin healthy.

10. Adjust Your Diet

Certain foods can help improve your skin’s hydration levels. Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, as well as fruits and vegetables with high water content, like watermelon and cucumbers.

These foods can also contribute to a healthier complexion.


Dry skin, even with regular moisturising, can be a challenging condition. However, with the right knowledge and a customised skincare routine, you can effectively combat it.

To start with, choose the right moisturiser and make sure to protect your skin. Additionally, hydrate yourself from within by drinking plenty of water and seek the advice of a dermatologist for expert guidance.

Remember that consistency is key, so be patient and give your skin the love and care it deserves.

By understanding the underlying causes of dry skin and implementing the solutions mentioned above, you will be on your way to achieving a well-hydrated and healthy complexion.


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